 In the movie Matrix, Neo, the main character, is living two lives. During his first life, Neo is known as Thomas Anderson, a normal computer programmer. He, however, maintains a double life as the hacker "Neo." Neo, then, has been contacted by Trinity, a member of the Matrix, a phrase that Neo has encountered repeatedly online but does not know what it means. As a result, he wants to find out the truths. This concept is Buddhism. First of all, Buddhism is a religion pretty centrally concerned with suffering. In Neo's case, he is suffering from the confusion and an eager to find out the real happiness of his life. He also has similarities with Buddha. Living as a prince at first, Buddha has never learned about the normal life which includes: birth, sick, old, and death. Then, he is enlightened as he walks along the village seeing all these beings before him. Finally, he makes a decision to separate from the busy world to the world within himself to find the true happiness. Like Buddha, Neo separates himself from the world of computer programing to become a member of the Matrix to find out what his life mission is - which is to be "the one."

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