While reading the book 1984 in English class, I keep thinking about the Nietzsche idea -"God is dead." In this book, all people have to believe in is the government which they call the Party. The Party makes people believe in different things. They believe that love is bad, hate is good, and ignorance is freedom. To their citizens, the Party is their god. The Party makes up the rules, and the citizens must follow, or they will go to hell. I don't have any clues about the punishments yet, but from what I've heard, the Party makes their enemy, who is in their control, turn into a completely different person. In the novel 1984, the people also don't have a religion since the Party wants them to focus on serving the government and not think about going against them. If we think about today's society, we have so many rights and freedom to do whatever we'd like. This book makes me appreciate the society I have now. Our society might not be the best, but it's obviously better than what could happen. The main reason why it reminds me of  Nietzsche's idea, God is dead, is because of their poster stating "Big Brother is Watching You." Most of the religious people believe that they are being watched by God, but the people in 1984 know they are being watched by the Big Brother aka the Party.


  1. I love the book 1984. In some ways its already happening. Take North Korea for example the year is 103 not 2014. It is based on Kim Il Sung's date of birth: April 15, 1912. There are 51 "Social Categories" ranked by their loyalty to the regime too. It's beginning to sound a lot like the Party huh?

  2. The book 1984 is probably one of my favorites! I think what makes the book so real and intriguing is, we can connect it to our world right now. I also agree with you on how our society may not be the best, but it is way better than what it could be.

  3. I thought 1984 was a pretty good book! It kept me thinking the whole time I was reading it and it made me wonder about our government today and how much privacy we really have

  4. 1984 was not one of my favorite books, it was ok. I do like the thought that big brither is watching us.
